What can mechanistic models tell us about guard cells, photosynthesis, and water use efficiency?

Blatt, M.R. and Jezek, M. and Lew, V.L. and Hills, A. (2022) What can mechanistic models tell us about guard cells, photosynthesis, and water use efficiency? Trends in Plant Science, 27 (2). pp. 166-179. ISSN 1360-1385

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Stomatal pores facilitate gaseous exchange between the inner air spaces of the leaf and the atmosphere. The pores open to enable CO 2 entry for photosynthesis and close to reduce transpirational water loss. How stomata respond to the environment has long attracted interest in modeling as a tool to understand the consequences for the plant and for the ecosystem. Models that focus on stomatal conductance for gas exchange make intuitive sense, but such models need also to connect with the mechanics of the guard cells that regulate pore aperture if we are to understand the ‘decisions made’ by stomata, their impacts on the plant and on the global environment.

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Journal Article
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Trends in Plant Science
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Export Date: 6 October 2021 CODEN: TPSCF Correspondence Address: Blatt, M.R.; Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biophysics, Bower Building, United Kingdom; email: Michael.Blatt@glasgow.ac.uk Funding details: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, BBSRC Funding text 1: Development of the OnGuard platform was supported with grants BB/L001276/1 , BB/L019025/1 , BB/M001601/1 , and BB/N01832X/1 from the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council . We thank the many colleagues who have contributed to the OnGuard project and to formal and informal discussions over the past decade, especially Zhong-Hua Chen (Western Sydney), Yizhou Wang (Zhejiang), Tracy Lawson (Essex), Howard Griffiths (Cambridge), Anna Amtmann (Glasgow), Simon Rogers (Glasgow), Maria Papanatsiou (Glasgow), Cornelia Eisenach (Zurich), Enrico Martinoia (Zurich), Silvere Vialet-Chabrand (Essex), Diana Santelia (Zurich), Florent Pantin (Montpellier), Keith Mott (Salt Lake City), Graham Farquhar and Ross Deans (Canberra), and Tom Buckley (Davis). Funding text 2: Development of the OnGuard platform was supported with grants BB/L001276/1, BB/L019025/1, BB/M001601/1, and BB/N01832X/1 from the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. We thank the many colleagues who have contributed to the OnGuard project and to formal and informal discussions over the past decade, especially Zhong-Hua Chen (Western Sydney), Yizhou Wang (Zhejiang), Tracy Lawson (Essex), Howard Griffiths (Cambridge), Anna Amtmann (Glasgow), Simon Rogers (Glasgow), Maria Papanatsiou (Glasgow), Cornelia Eisenach (Zurich), Enrico Martinoia (Zurich), Silvere Vialet-Chabrand (Essex), Diana Santelia (Zurich), Florent Pantin (Montpellier), Keith Mott (Salt Lake City), Graham Farquhar and Ross Deans (Canberra), and Tom Buckley (Davis). No interests are declared. References: Luttge, U., Ecophysiology of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) (2004) Ann. 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