RALB-HC: A Resource Aware Load Balancer for Heterogeneous Cluster

Ahmed, Usman and Aleem, Muhammad and Khalid, Yasir Noman and Islam, Muhammad Arshad and Iqbal, Muhammad Azhar (2021) RALB-HC: A Resource Aware Load Balancer for Heterogeneous Cluster. Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, 33: e5606. ISSN 1532-0634

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In the heterogeneous computing environment, programmers map the applications either on CPUs or GPUs. However, this default mapping process does not produce improved results, particularly on the heterogeneous clusters. If one resource of the cluster is more compute capable, then most of the scheduling schemes favor that powerful device. In this scenario, the scheduling schemes overload the powerful resources while making all other compute resources remain under utilized. This load imbalance problem results in higher energy consumption and increased execution time. In this research, a novel Resource-Aware Load Balancer for the Heterogeneous Cluster (RALB-HC) is proposed that distributes workload based on resources computing capabilities and applications computing needs. The RALB-HC uses supervised machine learning approach to classify applications using the static code-features. The RALB-HC framework comprises of two phases: (1) job mapping based on the availability of the resources and (2) the resource-aware load balancing to achieve the higher resource utilization ratio. The experimental results on a large set of real-world and synthetic workloads show that the RALB-HC reduces execution time by 31.61%, increased resource utilization ratio by 67.8% and improved throughout 147.35% as compared to baseline scheduling schemes.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? computation-aware schedulingheterogeneous systemload balancingmachine learningresource utilizationschedulingcomputational theory and mathematicstheoretical computer sciencesoftwarecomputer networks and communicationscomputer science applications ??
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Deposited On:
13 Jun 2022 15:45
Last Modified:
15 Jul 2024 22:42