Fugitive Aesthetics : Echoes, Ghost Stories and Refugee Cinema

Bennett, Bruce and Marciniak, Katarzyna (2022) Fugitive Aesthetics : Echoes, Ghost Stories and Refugee Cinema. Third Text, 36 (5). pp. 455-476. ISSN 0952-8822

[thumbnail of Refugee_Cinema_Echoes_Sept_2_2020]
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This article discusses four recently released refugee films: Dolce Fine Giornata, Atlantics, Island of the Hungry Ghosts, and Life Overtakes Me. It draws on a range of theoretical frames, including the work of Avery Gordon and Jacques Derrida on spectrality, in order to outline the original concept of ‘fugitive aesthetics’, the narrative and stylistic system that, we argue, underpins a wide spectrum of refugee films. While the majority of films about refugeeism typically place refugees centre-stage, our article focuses on the phenomenology of the effacement of this figure. In analysing these films in which refugees are at the margins of the narrative, we examine the ways that unresolved histories of migration, colonisation and enclosure irrupt traumatically into the present. Thus, this article draws out complexities of this field of highly politicised representation that are all too often overlooked in debates around the mediation and documentation of refugee experience.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Third Text
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? refugee cinematransnational cinemajacques derridajacek borcuchmati diopmigration studiesrefugee studiesafrican cinemaavery gordonvisual arts and performing artscultural studies ??
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Deposited On:
10 May 2022 10:20
Last Modified:
23 Feb 2025 02:00