Fisher, A. T. and Hounslow, M. W. (1990) Heat flow through the toe of the Barbados accretionary complex. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results. pp. 345-363.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
34 sediment and mudline temperatures were collected from 6 drill holes on ODP Leg 110 near the toe of the Barbados accretionary complex. When combined with thermal conductivity measurements these data delineate the complicated thermal structure on the edge of this convergent margin. Surface heat-flow values from Leg 110 of 92 to 192 mW/m2 are obtained. Measured heat flow tends to decrease downhole at four sites, suggesting the presence of heat sources within the sediments. Results are consistent with the flow of warm fluid through the complex along sub-horizontal, high-permeability conduits. Simple calculations suggest that this flow is transient, occurring on time scales of tens to tens of thousands of years. High heat flow in the viciity of 15°30′N suggests that the Leg 110 drill sites may be situated over a fluid discharge zone, with dewatering more active here than elsewhere along the accretionary complex. -from Authors