Graphene-based External Optoelectronic Terahertz Modulators for High Speed Wireless Communications

Zaman, Abdullah and Almond, Nikita and Lu, Yuezhen and Romain, Xavier and Alves De Lima, Decio and Lin, Hungyen and Burton, Oliver and Alexander-Webber, Jack and Hofmann, Stephan and Mitchell, Thomas and Griffiths, Jonathan and Beere, Harvey and Ritchie, David and Degl'Innocenti, Riccardo (2021) Graphene-based External Optoelectronic Terahertz Modulators for High Speed Wireless Communications. In: UCMMT 2021 - UK-Europe-China Workshop on Millimetre-Waves and Terahertz Technologies :. UCMMT 2021 - UK-Europe-China Workshop on Millimetre-Waves and Terahertz Technologies . IEEE. ISBN 9781665438544

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The realization of terahertz external amplitude modulators with a carrier frequency of 0.8 THz is presented for application in the next generation near-field wireless communications.

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30 Nov 2021 17:44
Last Modified:
28 Jan 2025 01:25