Jardon-Sanchez, Hector and Laustsen, Niels and Taylor, Mitchell A. and Tradacete, Pedro and Troitsky, Vladimir (2021) Free Banach lattices under convexity conditions. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, 116 (15): 15.
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We prove the existence of free objects in certain subcategories of Banach lattices, including p-convex Banach lattices, Banach lattices with upper p-estimates, and AM-spaces. From this we immediately deduce that projectively universal objects exist in each of these subcategories, extending results of Leung, Li, Oikhberg, and Tursi (Israel J. Math. 2019). In the p-convex and AM-space cases, we are able to explicitly identify the norms of the free Banach lattices, and we conclude by investigating the structure of these norms in connection with nonlinear p-summing maps.