Inclusive activity : The perceptions of disabled people and their influencers

Johnson, Elliott (2018) Inclusive activity : The perceptions of disabled people and their influencers. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 15 (s1). S100. ISSN 1543-3080

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Introduction: EFDS has undertaken studies into the perceptions of four groups that influence physical activity among disabled people: their supporters, non-disabled peers, activity deliverers and disabled people themselves. We are now able to present a 360° perspective, particularly with reference to inclusive sport (disabled and non-disabled people participating together). Method: EFDS has commissioned a number of mixed-methods studies, including qualitative depth interviews, focus groups and exposure sessions as well as large-scale quantitative surveys. Results: • Disabled people cite psychological barriers – including personal perceptions and those of others – as the greatest challenge to participation, with physical and logistical barriers also apparent • 89% of disabled people’s supporters say they have some influence on disabled people’s activity. 68% think disabled people they support would like to be more active but too many practical and emotional barriers exist • 14% of non-disabled people are aware of having taken part in sport with disabled people. 67% had no prior knowledge of what the term ‘inclusive sport’ means but 73% are open to taking part with disabled people • 77% of activity deliverers have no experience of providing for disabled people, leading to low confidence and interest in such delivery. Many do not understand what the term ‘inclusive activity’ means but fear the concept might negatively impact non-disabled people Conclusion: A lack of experience of inclusive activity and resulting psychological barriers are prevalent among those with influence on disabled people’s activity levels. An across-the-board approach is essential in increasing participation and improving health and wellbeing. External funding details: Sport England and SOGB/Mencap.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Journal of Physical Activity and Health
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? disabilitydisabled peopleinclusionaccessibilityphysical activitysportdeliveryperceptionsphysical therapy, sports therapy and rehabilitationcommunicationsocial psychologysocial sciences (miscellaneous)public health, environmental and occupational healthort ??
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Deposited On:
31 Oct 2022 13:50
Last Modified:
14 Jan 2025 02:54