Fission gas released from molten salt reactor fuel : the case of noble gas short life radioisotopes for radiopharmaceutical application

Degueldre, Claude and Dawson, Richard and Cooley, Isabel and Besley, Elena (2021) Fission gas released from molten salt reactor fuel : the case of noble gas short life radioisotopes for radiopharmaceutical application. Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, 10: 100057. ISSN 2590-0935

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The present study explores the potential of fission gas (Kr and Xe short life radioisotopes) released from a molten salt reactor, the separation of these noble gases using specific absorbents under well fixed conditions and the utilisation of these radioisotopes for radio-diagnostics. During operation, a molten salt reactor produces noble gas radioisotopes that bubble out from the liquid fuel and that can be sampled and treated for radiopharmaceutical applications including as tools for diagnostics using γ radioisotopes and/or potentially in radiotherapy for specific viral diseases using β− emitters. Among them 133Xe is currently used for lung diagnostics thanks to its 132.9 ​keV γ. The use of 85Kr for diagnostics is also examined. Its 514 ​keV γ could be used for scintigraphy. However 133Xe utilisation imply also its β− (Emean ​≈ ​100 ​keV) whose mean free pathway of 100 ​nm in biological tissue or in water is much smaller than the mean pathway of the 95Kr β−. Emphasis is placed on 133Xe because of its potential dual ability of imaging and as a suggested therapeutic tool of viral lung diseases.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices
?? molten salt reactornoble gas radioisotopesradio-diagnosticsradiotherapy ??
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Deposited On:
29 Apr 2021 09:55
Last Modified:
28 May 2024 11:45