Collective control, social cohesion and health and well-being : baseline survey results from the Communities in Control Study in England

McGowan, V.J. and Akhter, N and Halliday, Emma and Popay, Jennie and Kasmin, A and Bambra, Clare (2022) Collective control, social cohesion and health and well-being : baseline survey results from the Communities in Control Study in England. Journal of Public Health (United Kingdom), 44 (2). pp. 378-386. ISSN 1741-3842

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Background: Area-based initiatives (ABIs) are receiving renewed interest as part of ‘place-based public health’ approaches to reducing health inequalities. Purpose: Examine associations between collective control, social-cohesion and health amongst residents involved in the Big Local ABI. Methods: Survey data on general health, mental wellbeing, perceptions of individual and collective control, and social-cohesion was obtained in 2016 for 1600 residents involved in the 150 Big Local ABI areas in England, 862 responded - a response rate of >50%. Adjusted mean differences and adjusted odds ratios were calculated using random effect linear and generalised estimating equation models. Subgroup analysis by gender and educational level was conducted.Results: Mental wellbeing was positively associated with collective control (Mean Difference 3.06 units, 1.23-4.90) and some measures of social cohesion (‘people in the area are willing to help each other’ [Mean Difference 1.77 units, 0.75-2.78]). General health was positively associated with other measures of social cohesion (area-belonging [Odds Ratio 4.25, 2.26-7.97]). Conclusion: Collective control and some aspects of social cohesion were positively associated with better mental wellbeing and self-rated health amongst residents involved with Big Local. These positive associations were often greater amongst women and participants with a lower education. Increasing the collective control residents have in ABIs could improve the health effects of ABIs.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Journal of Public Health (United Kingdom)
Additional Information:
This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Public Health following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version V J McGowan, N Akhter, E Halliday, J Popay, A Kasim, C Bambra, Collective control, social cohesion and health and well-being: baseline survey results from the communities in control study in England, Journal of Public Health, 2022; 44: 378-386 is available online at:
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? abideprivationhealth inequalitysocial determinantssocio-economic statusplacegeneral medicinemedicine(all) ??
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Deposited On:
19 Nov 2020 15:15
Last Modified:
14 Feb 2025 17:03