Phosphorus-rich biochar produced through bean-worm skin waste pyrolysis enhances the adsorption of aqueous lead

Yan, Yubo and Sarkar, Binoy and Zhou, Lei and Zhang, Ling and Li, Qiao and Yang, Jianjun and Bolan, Nanthi S (2020) Phosphorus-rich biochar produced through bean-worm skin waste pyrolysis enhances the adsorption of aqueous lead. Environmental Pollution, 266 (3): 115177. ISSN 0269-7491

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In China, more than 10,000 tons of bean-worm, which is rich in protein (68.5%) and essential amino acids (52.8%), is consumed annually. Thus, a large amount of bean-worm skin waste is generated, and is often indiscriminately disposed of, potentially causing environment problems. In this study, bean-worm skin (BWS) waste was pyrolyzed at 500 °C to produce biochar (BWS-BC), and the surface properties of BWS and BWS-BC were characterized using various spectroscopic techniques. Pb(II) adsorption properties of BWS and the corresponding biochar as a function of solution pH, contact time, and equilibrium concentration of Pb(II) were examined using adsorption isotherm, kinetics and thermodynamics studies. The maximum Pb(II) adsorption capacities based on the Langmuir isotherm model were calculated as 45 and 62 mg g−1 for BWS and BWS-BC, respectively, which were comparable to the values obtained for biochars derived from other agro-wastes. The adsorption feasibility, favorability and spontaneity of Pb(II), as derived from the thermodynamic parameters, indicated that chemisorption and precipitation (e.g., hydroxypyromorphite) were the main adsorption mechanism in case of BWS and BWS-BC, respectively. Thus, conversion of BWS to biochar for Pb(II) adsorption can be considered as a feasible, promising and high value-added approach for BWS recycling.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Environmental Pollution
Additional Information:
This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Environmental Pollution. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Environmental Pollution, 266, 3, 2020 DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115177
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? pb(ii) removalbean-worm skin wastebiocharabsorption mechanismwastewater treatmentpollutionhealth, toxicology and mutagenesistoxicology ??
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Deposited On:
15 Jul 2020 10:22
Last Modified:
02 Feb 2025 00:44