The benefits of community-based participatory arts activities for people living with dementia: a thematic scoping review

Ward, Meghann and Milligan, Christine and Rose, Emma and Elliott, Mary and Wainwright, Bethany (2021) The benefits of community-based participatory arts activities for people living with dementia: a thematic scoping review. Arts and Health, 13 (3). pp. 213-239. ISSN 1753-3015

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Background The drive towards living well with dementia has resulted in a growing recognition of the value of community-based participatory arts activities. This review aimed to explore their overall impact and holistic benefits for people with early to moderate stages of dementia. Methods Using a scoping review methodology and thematic analysis, this review explored relevant literature published between 2008 and 2019. Results 26 published papers were identified, comprising visual arts, literary arts, comedy, music and dance. The key themes included person-centred, in-the-moment approaches; participation and communication; attention and cognition; social cohesion and relationships; and the role of space, place and objects. Conclusions There is strong evidence in support of using participatory arts for dementia, regardless of art form. In-the-moment and person-centred approaches were deemed impactful. Further research is needed to explore the importance of setting, material culture and the methodological or theoretical perspectives in participatory arts and dementia research.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Arts and Health
Additional Information:
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Arts and Health on 17/06/2020, available online:
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? dementiaparticipatory artscreativityhealth and wellbeingperson-centredin the momentarts and humanities (miscellaneous)medicine (miscellaneous) ??
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Deposited On:
20 Jul 2020 08:10
Last Modified:
16 Jun 2024 00:35