Contact Logger : Measuring everyday intergroup contact experiences in near-time

Keil, T.F. and Koschate, M. and Levine, M. (2020) Contact Logger : Measuring everyday intergroup contact experiences in near-time. Behavior Research Methods, 52. 1568–1586. ISSN 1554-351X

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Intergroup contact research has traditionally relied on retrospective accounts of intergroup encounters, mainly through surveybased or observational methods. This study introduces and tests the usability of a purpose-built, location-aware mobile application—the Contact Logger. This application enables the recording of interpersonal and intergroup encounters, in public and private spaces (both indoor and outdoor), in their here-and-now contexts. The main advantage of this approach, as compared to traditional methods, lies in its ability to collect repeated and timely (near-time) self-assessments of individuals’ behaviors and experiences. It also allows for geographical location data to be logged. Usability testing was conducted in a real-world environment and took place over the course of seven days, during which participants (N = 12) logged every contact they had with an outgroup member (here, older people). Subsequently, participants completed a paper-and-pencil questionnaire, reporting on the usability and experience of using the Contact Logger. The results showed that the application is a viable and easy-to-use alternative to traditional methods. The information gathered aided the further development and optimization of the application. The outcomes of this development process are also briefly discussed.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Behavior Research Methods
?? intergroup contactmobile smartphone technologyusabilitynear-time data collectioneveryday contactintergenerational contactexperience samplingecological momentary assessment ??
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Deposited On:
16 Apr 2020 08:30
Last Modified:
14 Mar 2025 10:25