Implementing an IoT approach to care-awareness in the home

Bourikas, Leonidas and Turner, Philip and Bahaj, Abubakr and Gauthier, Stephanie and James, Patrick and Dalton, Hannah and Allott, Nick (2019) Implementing an IoT approach to care-awareness in the home. In: Living in the Internet of Things (IoT 2019) :. Institution of Engineering and Technology, United Kingdom, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9781839530890

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There is a need for new thinking in care previsions and IOT is likely to play a major role in achieving transformation of care services at lower cost. Such an approach sits at the heart of this work. Here we present the outcome of an ongoing research programme based on sensor and App interventions (trial) at homes of participants who live independently but require care. The results indicate contrasting views of carers and the persons who receive care regarding (a) the uptake and utilisation of IoT, and (b) the potential impact on the quality of life and independence of both groups. In contrast to current telecare solutions that respond to “hard”- acute alerts, our research proposes the introduction of “soft” warnings, based on the continuous evaluation of the occupancy behaviour, care conditions and the home environment. In this context the results suggest that the care needs of a person can be more important determinants of occupancy behaviour than socio-demographic attributes that are typically used in residential occupancy classification. This research under the CareTeam programme, is a non-intrusive IoT approach geared to generate proactive care-awareness to help people who receive care stay independent and active for longer.

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Deposited On:
21 Jan 2020 11:45
Last Modified:
16 Jul 2024 04:51