Designing, Adapting and Selecting Tools for Creative Engagement : A Generative Framework

Cruickshank, Leon and Whitham, Roger and Rice, Gayle and Alter, Hayley (2017) Designing, Adapting and Selecting Tools for Creative Engagement : A Generative Framework. Swedish Design Research Journal, 15 (1). pp. 42-51. ISSN 2000-7574

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Increasingly public sector practitioners are turning to design to help them do more with less. This often takes the form of designing tools or resources that are used by public sector workers in their everyday practice. This paper critically examines the practice of tool design with the aspiration to improve creative enga-gement (that is, novel interactions that result in the creation of new knowledge or understanding in the public sector). We assert that designers should not be attempting to define what is a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to use an engagement tool, but instead seek to enable new interpre-tations and adaptations of tools so the creativity of practitioners is supported and amplified. We present a proposal for a framework that supports people in organising the multitude of creative engagement tools in a manner that is meaningful to them rather than impo-sing taxonomies form the outside, ena-bling them to fix their own meanings, significance and use of the tools they use. To explore this we present 2 use ca-ses, one by IRISS (a leader in innovation in the social services in Scotland) and a second by Leapfrog (a research project led by Lancaster University looking to transform public sector engagement by design). We believe this change in the terms of reference when thinking about the creation and use of tools has profound implications for designers working in the social services and wider pubic services sector.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Swedish Design Research Journal
?? toolstaxonomycreative engagementsocial servicesscaffolding ??
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Deposited On:
11 Mar 2020 09:20
Last Modified:
15 Jul 2024 20:05