Video Behavioural Analysis - A Methodological Guide

Philpot, Richard and Levine, Mark (2019) Video Behavioural Analysis - A Methodological Guide. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

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As the availability of high-quality video recordings in public settings has increased, so too has the opportunity for systematic video-based research into the behaviours of everyday citizens. However, despite the recent growth in the use of video materials in the social sciences, few methodological papers exist which describe in detail a video analysis approach to the study of public behaviour. The rare exceptions focus on the advantages and opportunities of applying video data as opposed to providing guidance for researchers interested in applying the methodology (e.g., Lindegaard & Bernasco, 2018; Philpot et al., 2019a). The purpose of the current manual is to draw together, in a single resource, the steps and considerations central to the application of a systematic video-based behavioural analysis. Furnished with examples from peer-reviewed, scientific articles, this training manual will cover a wide range of topics including: video data sources; ethogram construction; situational coding; individual and interaction chain coding; available software; tests of interrater reliability and other statistical and descriptive analyses. Where appropriate, the manual adopts a question-and-answer format to address some pertinent questions pertaining to the use and application of video analysis method. Our hope is that this manual will serve as a guide for researchers interested in expanding their methodological tool-kit to incorporate video behavioural analysis as a relevant and viable method for the study of real-life human behaviour in public settings.

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Deposited On:
22 Oct 2019 12:40
Last Modified:
14 Mar 2025 10:25