Technology for D-band/G-band Ultra Capacity Layer

Paoloni, Claudio and Boppel, Sebastian and Krozer, Viktor and Quang, Trung Le and Letizia, Rosa and Limiti, Ernesto and Magne, Francois and Marilier, Marc and Ramirez, Antonio and Vidal, Borja and Zimmerman, Ralph (2019) Technology for D-band/G-band Ultra Capacity Layer. In: 2019 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) :. IEEE, ESP, pp. 209-213. ISBN 9781728105475

[thumbnail of Technology for a D-band_G-band ultra capacity layer_final]
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The bands above 100 GHz offer outstanding potentiality for fixed wireless communications, matching the capacity requirements of future mobile networks backhaul in dense urban scenarios. However, millimeter wave components need a substantial technology advancement to enable such application. Fabrication challenges due to the short wavelength affecting the dimensions of the components, and the decrease of transmission power at the increase of the frequency are among the obstacles that limit the availability of working wireless systems above 100 GHz. The Horizon 2020 project ULTRAWAVE is progressing in the enabling of the first ultracapacity layer for small cell backhaul by producing a network with Point to Multipoint sectors at D-band (141 -148.5 GHz) fed by Point to Point G-band (275 - 305 GHz) links. The paper will describe the system specifications of the proposed ultracapacity layer and the millimeter wave technology in development in the ULTRAWAVE project.

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Deposited On:
08 Aug 2019 13:20
Last Modified:
28 Mar 2025 02:21