Design and fabrication of a D-band traveling wave tube for millimeter wave communications

Basu, Rupa and Billa, Laxma and Mahadev Rao, Jeevan and Letizia, Rosa and Paoloni, Claudio (2019) Design and fabrication of a D-band traveling wave tube for millimeter wave communications. In: 2019 44th International Conference on Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves :. IEEE. ISBN 9781538682869

[thumbnail of IRMMW-THz_2019_D-Band TWT]
Text (IRMMW-THz_2019_D-Band TWT)
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The design and fabrication aspects of a novel D-band (141 GHz-148.5 GHz) Traveling Wave Tube (TWT) for enabling the first point to multipoint front end at D-band, objective of European Commission H2020 ULTRAWAVE is presented. The ULTRAWAVE system will provide unprecedented wireless area capacity over wide area sectors, with radius up to 500 - 600 m for the future 5G high density small cell deployment. The design and fabrication processes adopted for the TWT are focused to find new low cost solutions for TWTs at millimetre waves to satisfy the requirements of the wireless market. The proposed TWT will provide more than 10 W saturated output power for achieving more than 100 Gb/s/km2 of area capacity over 600 meters radius wide angle sector, with 99.99% availability in ITU zone K.

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Deposited On:
08 Aug 2019 10:35
Last Modified:
22 Mar 2025 01:37