Alvina, J. and Qu, C. and McGrenere, J. and Mackay, W.E. (2019) Mojiboard : Generating parametric emojis with gesture keyboards. In: CHI EA '19 Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems :. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings . ACM, New York. ISBN 9781450359719
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Inserting emojis 1 can be cumbersome when users must swap through panels. From our survey, we learned that users often use a series of consecutive emojis to convey rich, nuanced non-verbal expressions such as emphasis, change of expressions, or micro stories. We introduce MojiBoard, an emoji entry technique that enables users to generate dynamic parametric emojis from a gesture keyboard. With MojiBoard, users can switch seamlessly between typing and parameterizing emojis.