Design of Slow Wave Structure for G-band TWT for High Data Rate Links

Basu, Rupa and Billa, Laxma and Mahadev Rao, Jeevan and Letizia, Rosa and Paoloni, Claudio (2019) Design of Slow Wave Structure for G-band TWT for High Data Rate Links. In: 2019 International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC) :. IEEE, KOR. ISBN 9781538675359

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The need of high data rate can be satisfied only by wide frequency bands in the millimetre wave region. This paper presents the design of a G-band (215 – 250 GHz) Traveling Wave Tube with 40 dB gain for wireless communications, based on the double corrugated waveguide. The structure of the TWT is based on a single section, instead of the typical configuration of two sections with a sever used at microwave frequency. This is possible due to the high losses at those frequency that permit a stable behaviour. This paper reports both cold and hot simulations.

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Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings
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Deposited On:
18 Jul 2019 11:00
Last Modified:
30 Jan 2025 01:59