3-D Hybrid VLC-RF Indoor IoT Systems with Light Energy Harvesting

Pan, Gaofeng and Lei, Hongjiang and Ding, Zhiguo and Ni, Qiang (2019) 3-D Hybrid VLC-RF Indoor IoT Systems with Light Energy Harvesting. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 3 (3). 853 - 865. ISSN 2473-2400

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In this paper, a 3-dimensional (3-D) hybrid visible light communication (VLC)-radio frequency (RF) indoor internet of things system with spatially random terminals with one photodiode (e.g., indoor sensors: temperature sensors, humidity sensors, and indoor air quality sensors) is considered. Specifically, homogeneous Poisson point process is adopted to model to the distribution of the terminals, which means that the number of the terminals obeys Poisson distribution, and the positions of the terminals are uniformly distributed. VLC and RF communications are employed over downlink and uplink, respectively. Meanwhile, the terminals are designed to harvest the energy from the light emitted by the light-emitting diode over the downlink, which is used for the transmissions over the uplink. The light energy harvesting model is considered after introducing the line of sight propagation model for VLC. Then, the outage performance has been studied for the VLC downlink and non-orthogonal multiple access schemes over the RF uplink, respectively, by using stochastic geometry theory, while considering the randomness of the number of the terminals, and all terminals are spatially and randomly distributed in the 3-D room and all RF uplinks follow Rician fading. Finally, the approximated analytical expressions for the outage probability are derived and verified through Monte Carlo simulations.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking
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Deposited On:
09 Apr 2019 13:45
Last Modified:
19 Aug 2024 23:45