Chondros, N. and Zhang, B. and Zacharias, T. and Diamantopoulos, P. and Maneas, S. and Patsonakis, C. and Delis, A. and Kiayias, A. and Roussopoulos, M. (2019) Distributed, end-to-end verifiable, and privacy-preserving internet voting systems. Computers and Security, 83. pp. 268-299. ISSN 0167-4048
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We present the D-DEMOS suite of distributed, privacy-preserving, and end-to-end verifiable e-voting systems; one completely asynchronous and one with minimal timing assumptions but better performance. Their distributed voting operation is human verifiable; a voter can vote over the web, using an unsafe web client stack, without sacrificing her privacy, and get recorded-as-cast assurance. Additionally, a voter can outsource election auditing to third parties, still without sacrificing privacy. We provide a model and security analysis of the systems, implement prototypes of the complete systems, measure their performance experimentally, demonstrate their ability to handle large-scale elections, and demonstrate the performance trade-offs between the two versions.