MEGEE : Mobile Edge computer Geared v2x for E-Mobility Ecosystem

Cao, Yue and Wu, Celimuge and Zhang, Xu and Liu, William and Peng, Linyu and Khalid, Muhammad (2019) MEGEE : Mobile Edge computer Geared v2x for E-Mobility Ecosystem. In: 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) :. IEEE. ISBN 9781538676479

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The introduction of Electric Vehicles (EVs) leads to new concern on the E-Mobility. Making charging reservation, by considering the EV's arrival time and its expected charging time at Charging Stations (CSs) has been studied to predict the dynamic status of CSs. In this paper, we propose a Mobile Edge computer Geared v2x for E-mobility Ecosystem (MEGEE), as a decentralized alternative to the conventional centralized cloud based architecture. MEGEE enables the Vehicular Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (VDTN)-driven anycasting for information delivery, and Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) functioned CSs for information mining and aggregation. MEGEE efficiently and timely processes essential charging reservations and charging control information, through the Internet of EVs and MEC servers. Our studies show that MEGEE can achieve the close charging performance as performed by the centralized system, while offers a significant saving in communications cost.

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Deposited On:
13 Mar 2019 10:10
Last Modified:
16 Jul 2024 04:32