Syntheses of azomethine-thiophene monomers for potential application in energy storage devices

Baharin, S.N.A. and Shahabuddin, S. and Mazlan, N.A. and Sarih, N.M. and Saidur, R. and Hashim, N.H. (2018) Syntheses of azomethine-thiophene monomers for potential application in energy storage devices. In: Proceedings of the 5th IET International Conference on Clean Energy and Technology (CEAT2018) :. IET. ISBN 9781839530036

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Newly design thiophene monomers containing azomethine base moieties for the preparation of side chain liquid crystalline polymers were successfully synthesized. The proposed monomers are conducting in nature, making it as potential material for energy storage devices. The compounds were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), 1 H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). The presence of azomethine groups found at 1617 cm -1 in FTIR, NMR confirms singlet peaks at δ~9.5 ppm and TGA data shows thermal cleavage occurred at 166.6 - 269.93°C. The n-type properties combined with the inherently weak emission and high thermal stability thus make the polythiophenoazomethine suitable candidates for hole and electron transporting materials.

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Contribution in Book/Report/Proceedings
?? azomethineenergy storage devicespolythiopheneside chain liquid crystallinethiophenecrystalline materialsdigital storageenergy storagefourier transform infrared spectroscopygravimetric analysismonomersnuclear magnetic resonancepolymersthermogravimetric ana ??
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Deposited On:
22 Mar 2019 10:05
Last Modified:
17 Dec 2024 01:17