Mayrhofer, Rene and Gellersen, Hans (2007) Shake well before use: two implementations for implicit context authentication. In: Adjunct Proc. Ubicomp 2007, 1900-01-01.
Secure device pairing is especially di?cult for spontaneous interaction in ubiquitous computing environments because of wireless communication, lack of powerful user interfaces, and scalability issues. We demonstrate a method to address this problem for small, mobile devices that does not require explicit user interfaces like displays or key pads. By shaking devices together in one hand for a few seconds, they are securely paired. Device authentication happens implicitly as part of the pairing process without the need for explicit user interaction �just for security�. Our method has been implemented in two variants: �rst, for high-quality data collection using wired accelerometers; second, using built-in accelerometers in standard Nokia 5500 mobile phones.