Characterization of graphene through anisotropy of constant-energy maps in angle-resolved photoemission.

Mucha-Kruczyński, M. and Tsyplyatyev, O. and Grishin, A. and McCann, Edward and Falko, Vladimir and Bostwick, Aaron and Rotenberg, Eli (2008) Characterization of graphene through anisotropy of constant-energy maps in angle-resolved photoemission. Physical review B, 77 (19). p. 195403. ISSN 1550-235X

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We theoretically show how constant-energy maps of the angle-resolved photoemission intensity can be used to test wave function symmetry in graphene. For monolayer graphene, we demonstrate that the observed anisotropy of angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy spectra is a manifestation of what has been recently branded as an electronic chirality. For bilayer graphene, we show that the anisotropy of the constant-energy maps may be used to extract information about the magnitude and sign of interlayer coupling parameters and about symmetry breaking inflicted on a bilayer by the underlying substrate.

Item Type:
Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Physical review B
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? qc physics ??
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Deposited On:
05 Aug 2008 09:06
Last Modified:
29 Mar 2025 01:16