Eddy current studies from the undulator-based positron source target wheel prototype

Bailey, I. R. and Clarke, J. A. and Scott, D. J. and Brown, C. G. and Gronberg, J. and Hagler, L. B. and Piggott, W. T. and Jenner, L. J. and Zang, L. (2010) Eddy current studies from the undulator-based positron source target wheel prototype. In: The 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference, 2010-05-23 - 2010-05-28.

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The ef­fi­cien­cy of fu­ture positron sources for the next gen­er­a­tion of high-en­er­gy par­ti­cle col­lid­ers (e.g. ILC, CLIC, LHeC) can be im­proved if the positron-pro­duc­tion tar­get is im­mersed in the mag­net­ic field of ad­ja­cent cap­ture op­tics. If the tar­get is also ro­tat­ing due to heat de­po­si­tion con­sid­er­a­tions then eddy cur­rents may be in­duced and lead to ad­di­tion­al heat­ing and stress­es. In this paper we pre­sent data from a ro­tat­ing tar­get wheel pro­to­type for the base­line ILC positron source. The wheel has been op­er­at­ed at rev­o­lu­tion rates up to 1800rpm in fields of the order of 1 Tesla. Com­par­isons are made be­tween torque data ob­tained from a trans­duc­er on the tar­get drive shaft and the re­sults of fi­nite-el­e­ment sim­u­la­tions. Ro­tor­dy­nam­ics is­sues are pre­sent­ed and fu­ture ex­per­i­ments on other as­pects of the positron source tar­get sta­tion are con­sid­ered.

Item Type:
Contribution to Conference (Paper)
Journal or Publication Title:
The 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference
Uncontrolled Keywords:
?? physicslinear colliderpositron sourcetargetprototypephysicsqc physics ??
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Deposited On:
25 Jun 2010 13:38
Last Modified:
15 Sep 2024 23:48